St Columba's RC High School

  • Glow
  • SQA

Expressive and Performing Arts


The expressive arts include experiences and outcomes in art and design, drama, dance and music.

Through the expressive arts, children and young people can have rich opportunities to be creative and imaginative and to experience inspiration and enjoyment. They can come to understand the important roles of the arts in describing and changing society. The arts have a growing significance in the life and prosperity of Scotland. Through their experience of the expressive arts, children and young people can appreciate the contributions of the arts in the lives of individuals and communities.

Learning through the expressive arts enables children and young people to:

  • express themselves in different ways and be creative
  • experience enjoyment (and contribute to other people’s enjoyment) through creative and expressive performance and presentation
  • develop important skills specific to expressive arts and also transferable skills
  • develop an appreciation of aesthetic and cultural values and ideas
  • for some, prepare for advanced learning and future careers by building foundations for excellence in the expressive arts.

Expressive and Performing Arts Staff



Did you know that of the 5 members of staff in this Faculty, 4 are St Columba's Alumni?    Not sure any other Faculty or school could say the same!