Learning Resource Centre - LRC
The LRC is on the ground floor, it is a shared space with Woodmill High School, staffed by Mrs Carle and Miss Murphy.
Opening Times
Monday - Thursday 8.30am-4.15pm
Friday - 8.30am-1pm
Junior Pupils can borrow 2 books for 2 weeks, Senior Pupils can borrow 4 books for 4 weeks.
The date the book is due to be returned is stamped inside the book. Please try to return on time.
If you haven’t finished the book and need more time, please let the Librarian know and your loan period can be extended.
If you lose the book (and these things happen!) please inform the Librarian as soon as possible
Remember it’s free to borrow books from the LRC!
The LRC also has a few chrome books available if you forget to bring your device fully charged. Please come to the LRC during Tutor Time (8.50-9am) to arrange to borrow one. Borrowed chrome books must be returned at the end of the school day.
Useful websites
Useful Information
stc chromebook poster 1 1 .pdf