St Columba's RC High School

  • Glow
  • SQA

Physical Education

The PE staff are:

Mr Harkness - Principal Teacher Physical Education, Health & Wellbeing Faculty

Mrs Bricall - Depute Head Teacher

Miss Carroll - PT Guidance Romero House

Mr Coulston - Teacher of PE

Mrs McAlonie - Teacher of PE

Mr Stevens - Teacher of PE

Miss Waldie - Teacher of PE

               For PE department news and updates, follow us on X (formerly twitter) @StColumbasRC_PE

PE Policies

Participation Policy

All S1, S2 and S3 pupils are expected to bring P.E. kit to every lesson to ensure they are appropriately dressed for the learning environment, regardless of injury or illness. We are committed to providing every pupil with the best opportunity to achieve and progress in their learning in every lesson. Those who are unable to take part practically can still contribute greatly within lessons, developing their literacy, numeracy and personal qualities. It is the pupil’s responsibility to inform their teacher about any injury or illness. If the pupil is unable to take an active role in P.E. for an extended period, then a doctor’s note or communication from home should be provided.

If a pupil does not arrive with appropriate kit, this will be monitored by the class teacher and communicated home when necessary. With your ongoing support in this area, we are confident we can keep our learners positively engaged in their own education and continue to achieve success in classes.

Valuables Policy

Pupils should not to bring valuable items to school on P.E. days. Each member of staff will have a sealable valuables box that pupils will be able to deposit and collect items from at the start and end of each lesson. Pupils should not leave valuables in the changing room during the lesson as the school cannot accept responsibility for them if this is the case. Again, we appreciate your support in this matter.

Reasons to choose Physical Education listed in powerpoint below


st columbas subject choices pe national 5 s2 .pdf


st columbas subject choices pe higher s4 s5 .pdf



 BGE assessment criteria

st columbas rc hs pe bge assessment framework 1 .pdf