St Columba's RC High School

  • Glow
  • SQA

Technologies STEM Faculty

The Staff in the Technologies Faculty are:

  • Mrs Lownie - Principal Teacher Technologies
  • Mr Lambrou - Teacher
  • Miss Anderson - Teacher
  • Mr Stott - Teacher
  • Ms Miller - Teacher


This curriculum area includes creative, practical and work-related experiences and outcomes in craft, design, engineering, graphics, food, textile, and information technologies.

To participate fully in modern life, children and young people need to be skilled and knowledgeable users of technologies and be ready to embrace further developments in the future. The technologies consider how knowledge can be applied for practical purposes. They provide exciting opportunities to develop children’s creativity and the enterprising attitudes which Scotland needs, not least to compete in a global economy.

Technologies are developing at an unprecedented rate. Such dramatic change brings risks as well as benefits, and children and young people need to be able to assess the impact of technologies so that they can take action in an informed way.


Learning through technologies enables children and young people to:

  • develop an understanding of technologies and their impact on society - in the past, present and future
  • apply knowledge, understanding and practical skills to design and create products, processes and solutions that meet needs in play, work and daily life
  • gain the confidence and skills to embrace and use technologies now and in the future
  • evaluate technological processes and products critically and constructively, taking account of cultural, ethical, environmental and economic factors
  • experience work-related learning and for some, establish the foundation for more advanced learning and careers in the technologies.

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